American Apparel’s recent ad campaign is no different than many of previous years campaigns. Women and maybe even girls are being showed partially clothed in provocative and highly sexual positions. I have posted a few examples of these ads, but some were too explicit to post on our blog. The ones I felt too explicit included full nudity and/or display of private parts that I felt didn’t need to be shown to get our point across.

I ask you to answer the following questions when looking at these examples: What do you think American Apparel is trying to say through these ads? Who do you think their intended audience is? How and what do you think the intended audience feels?
I believe a lot of this is soft core porn. Women should not have to be displayed in these ways to sell a product. It would be interesting to see how many men are displayed in similar formats compared to how many women. It focuses on women's bodies so much that it detracts form the thing they are trying to sell. When I saw these ad's I looked at what they wanted me to look at, but do I want to go buy a navy pair of panties from American Apparel now? NO, and I would hope other would be smart enough to know that wearing American Apparel panties is not going to make you look like the model they portray.